Club member Kevin Miller has a bunch of "mini-totes" for free distribution to experimenting gardeners (that would be ALL of us!). The woven-poly fabric cubes are 48" x 48" x 48," and normally hold about 1000# of potatoes. Club member Steve Byars plans to grow potatoes in his totes, using the "add a layer of dirt and straw every time you see six inches of green potato growth" method. Steve will use his tractor to tip over his potato-filled totes in August when the vines die - maybe the club membership will want to be there for the unveiling. If you are interested in obtaining one or more of these totes, let me know, and we'll arrange it.
Junior club member Rylan (grandson of club member Diane Lukas, and son of club member Sarah Thibodeau) is currently unbelted, as he lost his favorite brown belt at the March club meeting in Camden Grange. If you have seen or know the whereabouts of Rylan's missing belt, please call me with rescue details.
Speaking of the March meeting, members once again asked if the club will be operating a booth at the 2017 Garden Expo in May, and answer is NO - the Expo filing fee date for this year has come and gone. I DO recommend you add the event to your MUST ATTEND calendar: May 13 from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., located at Spokane Community College (1810 N. Greene St.). More than 200 vendors with thousands of plants, tools, garden art, food booths, and much more – free entrance and parking, but be sure to bring a wagon and some money!
Jim - are these "tater totes" soft-sided, like a big bag? Or rigid? Count me in for a few, as I can think of lots of uses for them in the garden. And thanks to Kevin for the offer. And it would be totally sensational to see Steve and the tractor tip the totes and spill the spuds. And Rylan, bless your heart, how did you lose that belt?