Monday, June 12, 2023

Garden club June tour!

we will depart camden grange and community center (located at 7 camden road, elk) at 7 p.m. on tuesday, 13 june, for a short drive to our first garden tour visit of 2023.  please carpool if you can, as parking is always a challenge.  as always, this garden tour is open to club members and non-members alike.
we have some garden donations to place on our (parking lot) freebie table, and if you have unwanted, but in good condition, garden-related tools, supplies, plants, etc., please bring them along - the table will be in place prior to our departure.
additionally, club member steve peterson is looking for old, any-vintage seed catalogs, so if you have extra copies, here is a great opportunity to unload your garage into steve's garage, LOL.

see you 

Friday, June 9, 2023

garden club ads

some assorted early in june (or is it actually august!) stuff:

club member steve peterson is looking for unwanted, old seed catalogs (ANY vintage).  most of us receive WAY more printed catalogs then we want, so please bring what you have to my booth at the farmers' market (details below), or to the club garden tour on 13 june.  you can contact him at

club member, and garden club blogmeiser su chism has free, extra plants ready to rehome:  Good King Henry ("poor man's spinach", really grows well, and chickens love the stuff), rue, and oregano. Also, lamb’s ears, and black hollyhocks for dyeing. you can contact her at

and please remember our local farmers' and artisan market at camden grange this coming saturday, 10 june, from 10 - 1 p.m.
plant starts, produce, eggs, crafty items, soap, goat cheese, and a lot more.

thanks, jim.