Monday, October 11, 2021

Harvest Dinner… upgrades?

tomorrow evening, please bring any of your "unusual" or "weird" garden veggies or fruit:  rutabagas shaped like one of the lower 48 states?  perfect.  squash shaped like a small foreign car?  that's the one.  potatoe with legs?  yes.

also, if you have spare produce (NOT lugs or crates of stuff) to share, we'll have a table for that as well:  we have extra cucumbers to bring.

also, due to customer demand, my wife and gardening companion, pat, will bring some of her locally-famous flavored goat cheese:  available in garlic, dill, and ranch flavors, 4 ounces for $4.  really good stuff.

thanks, jim.

Saturday, October 9, 2021

Harvest Dinner reminder

yes, this is an actual reminder for you!  we will be assembling in Camden Grange and Community Center at 7 P.M. this coming tuesday, the 12th of october, for our annual garden club potluck Harvest Dinner.  Please bring your favorite side dish, dessert, bread/rolls, beverages, etc. - the club will provide ham, and fried chicken (yay, "Yokes" delicatessen!).  Also, if you are a holder of a genuine garden club Garden Tour Gnome (lucky you!), please bring the little guy along for their annual conclave.  
We will sumptuously dine, exchange personal rumors and gardening tips, and tell each other what worked and what did not work in our gardens, this year.

side note:  the Elk Park Committee asked us to plant extra pumpkins next year, so they can have a pumpkin patch at their Fall Festival next Autumn - kids can pick their own pumpkins for home carving sort of thing.  so please, plan on raising some cain and also a few spare pumpkins.

see you at the dinner, jim.