Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Elk-Camden Garden Club update

Pat and I heard rumors about local garden centers experiencing a “rush” of panicked gardeners cleaning out the aisles of seeds, plants, fertilizers, and books/videos for beginning gardeners.

So, when we were shopping in Spokane last weekend, we stopped in at the North Spokane “Northwest Seed and Pet” store to see for ourselves.  

What we observed:  most seed packet racks still had a good assortment of varieties, though the seeds for the “common” veggies (cabbage, broccoli, lettuce, tomatoes, etc.) were in short supply.  Fruit tree selection was limited, though maybe due to the sales pressure from the small forest of baby apple, pear, cherry, and plum trees for sale at the nearby Costco. Seed potato bins were down quite a bit, and the selection was kinda grungy (soft, huge or too small, broken eyes).  Fertilizer and soilless (seed starter) mix was in short supply:  small boxes and small bags were the only choices.  

I asked the store manager when he expected a re-supply truck, and he said “we’ve missed three trucks already, but we hope to have more stock next week.” Hope this helps.
Speaking of the store manager from Northwest Seed and Pet, I remembered to ask him for our club’s unique “customer number,” so that we can all enjoy a nice 15 percent discount on gardening-related products.  Our club customer number is 4679, and you can tell the cashier that our club has yet to meet this year to hand out club membership cards with that important number boldly printed, somewhere on the card.  Please tell the cashier that “we’re working on it.”

Speaking of free “gardening-related” classes/videos available on the internet:

University of Idaho – Idaho Victory Garden classes

Oregon State University Master Gardener Short Course

Finally, I have decided to try growing sweet potatoes this gardening season.  I bought two Korean sweet potatoes (because this variety has a 90-day growing season, instead of the “normal” 120-day growing season type, that’s why!) at the local asian food market.  I started the potatoes in glass bottles on 30 March 2020, and hope to pick off “slips” in late April or early May, for transplanting into their new, exclusive “hot-house raised bed” sometime around mid-May.  We’ll see what happens.

Stay warm, dry, hydrated, and well-fed – we’ll meet again.


Weeding between the lines

By Jim McGinty

Well, the world is certainly changing all around us, every day, and in so many ways.  Even in the middle of the latest virus panic, our garden can be a point of stability, focus, and calm, if we will just take the time.  Due to the latest “temporary” emergency measures, a whole lot of us now have more of that time to garden, meditate, exercise and do some of those things/chores we have been putting off, due to “not enough time”.

I have recently talked (at a respectable “social distance”, thank you) with quite a few folks who plan a new, or larger backyard garden this year.  I think the sight (or internet video) of empty supermarket food shelves has reminded a lot of people of some of our grandparent’s basic “rules of life”:  grow a food garden, and stock the pantry shelves, because you never know.

For those families who now have children home for the remaining school year, teaching them to garden is a good use of their “free” time (the time when they would otherwise be tormenting their parents or siblings).  Gardening is an excellent life talent, a helpful way to use some of your children’s energy, and encourage their critical thinking skills:  what to plant where, how many row feet of what crop, how many seeds are needed to grow enough plants, etc. Remember also, that there are a LOT of on-line gardening video tutorials, and even free software for garden layout, planting, and harvesting:  my favorite free planner is “The Old Farmer’s Almanac Garden Planner”.

If you are new to gardening, my two best recommendations are start small (a ten foot square garden can produce an amazing salad garden), and look around for a local gardening mentor – just don’t breathe on each other.

With our recent warmer temperatures, here at Rancho McGinty, we have been starting garden seeds (tomatoes, peppers, onions, lettuce, broccoli, cabbage, etc.) in flats, and even planting out some pioneer/sacrificial eight inch tall seedlings: some cool weather crops (peas, broccoli, chard, cabbage, spinach, kale, etc.) can handle light frosts.

In the open garden, or in raised beds, now is the right time to apply some aged manure or fertilizer, compost, and even some of those bagged tree leaves you collected last Autumn – just mix it all into the soil.

If you have an overcrowded rhubarb patch, you can safely chop out some of the crown (about a quarter of the root ball) with a sharp spade, plant the chunk into a big pot, and trade it to your new-to-gardening neighbor for future tomatoes.  Fill the hole in the rhubarb crown with aged manure, and you will harvest even more rhubarb stalks next Spring.
In the berry patch, now is the time to apply pelletized or powdered sulfur to the base of your acid-loving blueberry plants, and while you are at it, put a layer of compost, and then a layer of mulch over the area as well.  More blueberries and “Captain Crunch” cereal in the morning – mmmmm.

Garden calendar

Our local garden club will NOT meet in April, due to various restrictions on crowd size, density, deodorant use, etc.  We are still planning on Summer garden tours, so be sure to watch this space for more details.

You can always check on our club’s activities at our blog site, www.elk-camdengardenkeepers.blogspot.com, or on our Facebook group page. 

I am not aware of any organizations or individuals offering nose-to-nose gardening-related classes or meetings this month – now is the time to talk with your gardening neighbor, though please do so over the fence, upwind, and then wash your hands.  Stay safe and healthy – you have a lot of weeds to pick.

Monday, March 16, 2020

Please read

Hello Dear Family and Friends

What I am copying to this email is not a joke or something made up by the media; it is "deadly" serious.  Governor Inslee and President Trump, based on information they are receiving from Vice President Pence and other world leaders, have continued to post greater and greater restrictions.  There are those that insist this is some kind of "hoax" (or government intervention into our freedoms); that Covid-19 is not at all serious, and there is no need to practice the instructions we have been given to avoid contracting the virus or passing it on to those more vulnerable.  I pray for those folks to wake up before it's too late for them and/or those they care about that might die from this "hoax".  If, once you read this, you feel it is important to share it with others then please do so immediately.  For anyone who has ever been in the medical field, the word Triage has deep meaning.  Triage means you have to play God and decide who lives and dies.  Even if you aren't the one making the decision, if you don't take this virus seriously then be ready to carry the moral burden inflicted on those who must make the decision.  

Whatever form God takes in your life, may he be watching over and protecting each of you.  Amen

Pat McGinty

P.S.  If you think I am crazy or alarmist, so be it.  I see this as an opportunity to save the people who are important in my life as well as those that important in each of their lives.  

A coronavirus cautionary tale from Italy: Don’t do what we didA dad living on lockdown in coronavirus-ravaged Italy has pleaded with other countries to take the pandemic seriously.Mattia Ferraresi, a writer for the Italian newspaper Il Foglio, has starkly described how the virus has pushed the country's medics to the brink of collapse.He says that just last week, the European country had a well-funded healthcare system that would never turn anyone away from hospital.But now, with intensive care units stretched to their full capacity, doctors are being forced to make impossible decisions over who to treat.Saying the situation is now 'just like in wartime', the journalist has described how overwhelmed hospitals are being forced to put up tents as makeshift wards.Many of us were too selfish to follow suggestions to change our behavior. Now we’re in lockdown and people are needlessly dying. 
By Mattia Ferraresi,Updated March 13, 2020, 12:13 p.m.

ROME – “As in any war, we have to choose who to treat and who not.”
That was a headline on March 9 in Il Corriere della Sera, a leading newspaper in Italy, that informed us that hospitals in Italy’s north, the epicenter of the coronavirus outbreak in our country, were being stretched thin and the health care system was on the brink of collapse.
An anesthesiologist at a hospital in Bergamo, one of the cities with the most cases of Covid-19, the illness caused by the new coronavirus, told the paper that the intensive care unit was already at capacity, and doctors were being forced to start making difficult triage decisions, admitting people who desperately need mechanical ventilation based on age, life expectancy, and other factors. Just like in wartime. The article was inexplicably placed on page 15, while the main headline on the newspaper’s front page relayed the political quarrels over the measures to curb the contagion.
The hospital in Bergamo was not the only hospital in the area dealing with a lack of capacity and rationing of care. The same day, I heard from a manager in the Lombardy health care system, among the most advanced and well-funded in Europe, that he saw anesthesiologists weeping in the hospital hallways because of the choices they are going to have to make.
In the days since, overwhelmed hospitals have set up tents as makeshift hospital wards, and cargo containers have been placed at the entrances of medical centers to sort out patients coming at an increasing pace. Some of the people who can’t get medical care are dying in their homes.
As more medical professionals started to describe similar situations on social media and in interviews, the Italian society of anesthesiologists published extraordinary new guidelines to help doctors facing ethical dilemmas, making clear that the “first come, first served” criterion that had been used among patients with the same illnesses and level of risk in ordinary times was not appropriate in dealing with the current emergency.
Until last week, the Italian public health care system had the capacity to care for everyone. Our country has universal health care, so patients aren’t turned away from hospitals here. But in a matter of days, the system was being felled by a virus that I, and many other Italians, had failed to take seriously.
The inability of the medical system to deal with the flow of patients in critical condition is not one of the problems of this complex medical emergency. It is the problem. I shouldn’t have been surprised. As a journalist, I had read, heard, and spoken to several experts explaining that the most immediate threat of Covid-19 was the hospital system becoming overwhelmed, and therefore the most pressing need was to avoid too many people getting sick at the same time, as resources are limited. (It’s what’s called “flattening the curve.”)
But that information was somehow stored in some remote interstice of my mind, covered by an incessant flow of bits and charts on the mortality rate of the elderly, political mismanagement, quarrels over under-testing and over-testing, market collapses, projections on the economic impact of the epidemic, and so on. All of this is, of course, extremely relevant — but at the same time feels totally irrelevant when lives are being lost in a situation that was preventable. As of Friday night, 1,266 people have died in Italy due to the outbreak.
So here’s my warning for the United States: It didn’t have to come to this.
We of course couldn’t stop the emergence of a previously unknown and deadly virus. But we could have mitigated the situation we are now in, in which people who could have been saved are dying. I, and too many others, could have taken a simple yet morally loaded action: We could have stayed home.
What has happened in Italy shows that less-than-urgent appeals to the public by the government to slightly change habits regarding social interactions aren’t enough when the terrible outcomes they are designed to prevent are not yet apparent; when they become evident, it’s generally too late to act. I and many other Italians just didn’t see the need to change our routines for a threat we could not see.
Italy has now been in lockdown since March 9; it took weeks after the virus first appeared here to realize that severe measures were absolutely necessary.
According to several data scientistsItaly is about 10 days ahead of Spain, Germany, and France in the epidemic progression, and 13 to 16 days ahead of the United Kingdom and the United States. That means those countries have the opportunity to take measures that today may look excessive and disproportionate, yet from the future, where I am now, are perfectly rational in order to avoid a health care system collapse. The United States has some 45,000 ICU beds, and even in a moderate outbreak scenario, some 200,000 Americans will need intensive care.
Before the outbreak hit my country, I thought I was acting rationally because I screened and processed a lot of information about the epidemic. But my being well-informed didn’t make me any more rational. I lacked what you might call “moral knowledge” of the problem. I knew about the virus, but the issue was not affecting me in a significant, personal way. It took the terrible ethical dilemma that doctors face in Lombardy to wake me up.
I put myself in their shoes, and realized that everything should be done in order to avoid those ethically devastating choices: How do we decide who gets an ICU bed and who doesn’t? Age? Life expectancy? How many kids they have? Their special abilities? Is the patient’s profession a relevant factor? Is it right to save a middle-aged doctor who will save more lives if he survives as opposed to a younger person who’s been unemployed for the last 12 months? These are the kind of theoretical questions you are asked to weigh in leadership classes at business school. But this is not a personality test. It’s real lives.
The way to avoid or mitigate all this in the United States and elsewhere is to do something similar to what Italy, Denmark, and Finland are doing now, but without wasting the few, messy weeks in which we thought a few local lockdowns, canceling public gatherings, and warmly encouraging working from home would be enough stop the spread of the virus. We now know that wasn’t nearly enough.
On Wednesday, Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte announced the latest step in a process that has progressively turned Italy into a fully quarantined country. Shops are mandated to be closed at all times, with the exception of pharmacies, food stores, and newsstands, as the government wisely considers information a primary need. All non-essential jobs have been temporarily stopped. People who still go to the office are requested to prove the absolute necessity to do so by signing a certificate that must be submitted and vetted by the police. Transgressors face up to three months in jail and a fine. Going out for physical activity is permitted, provided it’s short and solitary. Schools and universities — which have been shut down since March 4 — will be closed at least until April 3, but the date will likely be extended.
Life in lockdown is hard, but it is also an exercise in humility. Our collective well-being makes our little individual wishes look a bit whimsical and small-minded. My wife and I work from home, or at least we try to. We help the kids with their homework, following the instructions their teachers send every morning via voice messages and video, in a moving attempt to keep alive their relationships with their students.
So far, my two young sons are less bored than we’d thought they’d be, and are coping well. And thank God for our small shared rooftop where they can run for a little while in the afternoon, at least until the woman on the 5th floor complains about the noise during her nap time. Either I or my wife goes out once a day to take a short walk and get some food when we need it. Despite cops being stationed on the street to dissuade everyone from leaving their homes, we both think there are still too many people out and about. We read. We pray. We play soccer in the hallway. It’s a time of reflection and silence, a moment in which some big questions emerge — like why, exactly, we decided not to have a TV.
Strangely, it’s also a moment in which our usual individualistic, self-centered outlook is waning a bit. In the end, each of us is giving up our individual freedom in order to protect everybody, especially the sick and the elderly. When everybody’s health is at stake, true freedom is to follow instructions.

Saturday, March 14, 2020

Short note on club discounts

i am working with the manager at spokane's "northwest seed and pet" stores for a "customer number", which allows us current 2020 members a 10-percent discount.  this is the first year a customer number is required, so we'll print it on our 2020 membership cards.

time to think seriously, even through the snow and wind, about this year's perfect garden.

yours in gardening, jim.

Gardeners emerge from igloos to meet

Our garden club met for the first time in 2020 on the 10th of March:  26 intrepid gardeners emerged from post-Winter hibernation to socialize, eat most-excellent snacks (LOTS of homemade chocolate chip cookies!), and learn about cool-weather gardening (short season Russian/Siberian/Ukranian tomato seeds, courtesy of club member and blog meister Su), kitchen counter-top composting of kitchen wastes (information courtesy of club members Stephanie and Marlene), and this year's gardening hopes and desires from everyone in the room.  We also distributed a literal TON of free goodies and door prizes - some members actually needed help hauling their loot to their getaway car.  Meeting photos attributed to club member Geoff.

see you at our next meeting on the 14th of april, for a seasonally-appropriate gardening-related class - no topic details from me yet (the suspense builds!).


Tomato plant order form

Please visit our Facebook page for barbara midtbo's 2020 tomato plant order form.

please diligently peruse, and e-mail barbara with your desires.

thanks, jim.

Monday, March 9, 2020

March meeting notice

we will meet at camden grange on tuesday, the 10th of march, at 7 p.m.  this meeting is our annual "who else is out of hibernation?" meet n' greet.

if you have current (2020) unwanted or duplicate garden seed or garden equipment catalogs, this is the perfect meeting to drop them off, and if you have too many seeds or plants, likewise.

the club will provide appropriate hot drinks, and members are asked to bring their favorite snacks to share.

club member barbara midtbo is talking about tomatoes already, so please think about what kind of tomatoe you want to raise and possibly eat.

see you then, jim.